What Happened At RevPro Live In London 93? Match Results, Winners and Losers


Hamish Woodward

RevPro returned to London on March 2nd, 2025 for Live in London 93. This event took place at the 229, with nearly 1000 fans cramming the venue for this fantastic event.

Just two weeks away from Epic Encounter, the build to their first big event in 2025 continues. The opponent for Michael Oku’s next opponent has been confirmed and Mercedes Mone’s debut in RevPro looks to be set, depending on upcoming results.

Let us know what you think of the show after reading our review of RevPro Live in London 93.

Safire Reed vs Kanji

The show kicked off with the Cut Throat Collective making their entrance as Safire Reed battled Kanji in an all-female contest.

Kanji is already set to face Deonna Purrazzo at Epic Encounters and is expected to be Mercedes Mone’s first opponent at High Stakes.

The bout kicked off with some good grappling between the two women, with Kanji’s technical superiority evident from the get go. However, Safire Reed was no slouch and gave as good as she got, using her power advantage to get a hold on the match.

She beat down Kanji for a while, which showed the Nottingham-born star’s resilience and heart. Her massive kicks didn’t hurt her chances, although they definitely did hurt Safire Reed – her back looked like Robin Van Persie’s head after meeting Ashley Williams for the first time.

He could have killed him, although Safire Reed managed to survive Kanji’s kicks.

After a back-and-forth which threatened both women’s victories, Kanji forced Safire Reed to tap out to what I called, as a child on my trampoline wrestling federation, “the Hardcore Lock”, in honour of the legendary Hardcore Holly.

This victory puts Kanji one step closer to facing Mercedes Mone at High Stakes and puts her in good stead for her bout with Deonna Purrazzo at Epic Encounters.

JJ Gale and Cameron Khai vs Young Gunns

This match kicked off with a bang, even before Young Guns made their entrance into the 229.

After his loss to JJ Gale last week and the ensuing brawl, Ricky Knight Jr burst into the ring to attack Gale’s tag team partner Cameron Khai before the match could kick off.

Security and referees ran in to separate JJ Gale and RKJ to try and stop them fighting before their planned match at Epic Encounters in two weeks.

Cameron Khai was taken away by paramedics but no worries! David Francisco came out in his street clothes and offered to team with JJ Gale for this tag team encounter. He stupidly rejected and decided a handicap match against a top British tag team was actually a good idea!

How can you say no to that face?

What followed was mainly a two-on-one beatdown which nobody could have possibly expected. However, he did manage a flurry towards the end where JJ Gale actually looked like he could win after taking out Ethan Allen on the apron.

A double Gale Force later and David Francisco ran to the ring, this time in his wrestling gear and begged for the tag. JJ Gale said no again and told him to go to the back.

This led to a blindside from the Young Guns, who hit their double team combinations, including a two-man Last Ride, GTS and kick into a Piledriver to add another win to their record, leaving Jay Joshua and Connor Mills quaking in their boots.

This was a good match but I felt JJ Gale’s selling of the beatdown he was getting was lacking. However, I’ve seen him do a lot better so I’ll chalk it down to an off day for the young star.

JJ Gale will battle Ricky Knight Jr at RevPro Epic Encounters of March 16th.

Sha Samuels vs Richard Holliday

Sha Samuels’ music hit and a much smaller, weedier and younger version of the East End Butcher came out to Blur’s Park Life.

Of course, it was Harry Milligan, who introduced his mentor for the bout against Richard Holliday while dressed as the former RevPro Champion.

The American beat Milligan last week in an unimpressive fashion before teasing a match with Samuels. That match was this week as Richard Holliday made his entrance to face Sha Samuels in the third match of the night.

You can just tell that this isn’t the 40-year-old, former Undisputed British Heavyweight Champion, Sha Samuels.

Fans chanted happy birthday for the newly-minted 40-year-old Samuels just seconds before Holliday dodged his signature move and continued their brawl.

This match was fast paced and is one that Big E would have loved to watch. Two larger gentlemen gently slapping some meat in front of a lively crowd who had multiple chants for both men (and Harry Milligan at ringside).

There was very little downtime in this match and it really showcased Sha Samuels. RevPro fans will know all about him from his time as the company’s first champion but this match showed he could be in for a resurgence in 2025.

Richard Holliday’s attempt at a high-five did not go as planned.

Harry Milligan got involved in the match at the end and actually was a big part of the finish. Richard Holliday was distracted at ringside by the tracksuit-clad youngster and that is what allowed Sha Samuels to hit the Spinebuster and pin him for the win.

Richard Holliday attacked them both after the match but they were saved by the returning Joshua James. He protected his former tag team partner, but Holliday pushed the pair into each other before making his escape, causing more tensions in the group.

If I had to guess, this will lead to a tag team match at Epic Encounters – Sha Samuels and Harry Milligan vs Joshua James and Richard Holliday.

Before the interval we had a rematch from Live in Southampton which the fans were thrilled to see. 1 Called Manders continued his tour of the UK and RevPro by facing Leon Slater, the man who pinned him most recently in a RevPro ring.

Leon Slater stole the win three weeks ago, although Manders pinned Slater’s partner Liam Slater (no relation) last week in Sheffield. This is the rubber match.

1 Called Manders didn’t take any time in kicking off. He clotheslined Slater as the bell rang and went for the pinfall, which the referee refused to count. He decided instead to throw Leon Slater around the ring, cementing his heel turn from last week when he attacked Michael Oku.

Giant Dax Harwood took no time in trying to beat Leon Slater.

Leon Slater fought back after being slammed on a chair and used his high-flying abilities to get one over on his much larger opponent. They kept brawling on the outside before eventually returning to the ring, where Slater got a 2 count with a frog splash.

What came next was a big back and forth where both men threatened to steal the win, although Manders” power moves helped him come closest.

After a second half of the match that felt like a second match in itself, Leon Slater came so close to winning with his 450 Swanton bomb. However, Manders kicked out and tried to use a steal chair when the referee was down.

Michael Oku came out to stop Manders but his flying crossbody mistakenly hit Leon Slater. 1 Called Manders took advantage of this, hitting a brutalising lariat to pin Leon Slater and send a message to Michael Oku ahead of their clash at Epic Encounters for the Undisputed British Heavyweight Championship.

Manders tried to attack Oku after the match, so Oku locked him in the single-legged Boston crab. He stared down Slater while he had Manders in the submission, teasing a future clash between the pair.

Cut Throat Collective vs Amira Blair, Dani Luna and Zoe Lucas

The second appearance of the Cut Throat Collective follows the interval as Nina Samuels, Alex Windsor and Mercedes Blaze made their entrance.

The trio faced off against Amira Blair, Dania Luna and Zoe Lucas in a trios match. This is just Zoe Lucas’ second match in RevPro since returning from injury, while Dani Luna wrestles for the first time since losing to Mina Shirakawa at RevPro Uprising 2025.

As I say seemingly ever week in these top-quality posts, I don’t like trios matches. They don’t give anyone enough time to shine and at best just tease future matches that I’d rather watch. I’d have much rather seen Dani Luna vs Alex Windor, or even a tag match between the other four.

Book more than two women’s matches a show, Andy Quildan.

Four on four matches can be good but suffer the same issues as six-man/woman tag. Each wrestlers gets little time to make their mark on the match and you’re really just waiting for the final stretch of the match.

Five on five matches are usually just elimination matches, which are always much better, although you obviously can’t have five of your top six stars losing each week.

Anyway, everyone in the match performed well. Dani Luna as expected, looked great, and this was some of the best selling I’ve seen Mercedes Blaze do. For me, she’s the weakest of the CTC but she’s improving at a very good rate.

Amira put on a good performance and it’s good to see her back in the ring and not just holding Michael Oku’s coat. However, it was Zoe Lucas who won her team the match, a bridging flash pinfall on Nina Samuels grabbing a shock victory in her second bout for years.

Well, Zoe Lucas and Amira certainly enjoyed winning that match…

IF YOU CAN IMAGINE IT, the Cut Throat Collective attacked the other three women after the match. Next you’ll be telling me Robbie X is in Bullet Club.

Leon Cage vs Stephen Wolf

Banger incoming. Leon Cage is the next Will Ospreay and I will have nothing said against this beautiful flippy Welsh boy. The fact he was born in 2007 disgusts me, but I can look past that when he keeps putting on great matches.

That’s not to diminish the talent of Stephen Wolf. He has been incredible since coming back to RevPro this year, being among the top performers in the company in 2025.

He is aiming for the incredibly specific accolade to become the first-ever black American Undisputed British Cruiserweight Champion, an accolade that Leon Cage will struggle to match.

Wolf was definitely more in-charge against his more inexperienced opponent but both men got some impressive offence. It was a fairly even encounter and, like most of Cage’s RevPro matches, has featured high-risk moves and some big bumps from both men.

You can say that Leon Cage is being put in the ring with great wrestlers with names like Michael Oku, Bullet Club’s Robbie X and Stephen Wolf. You may say “but anybody could have great matches with such great talent”.

Nonsense. These matches are great because Leon Cage wrestles like a man with a decade more experience than he does. He is a prodigy and at just 18 years old has decades left in his career to become a top UK wrestler. RevPro are pushing him perfectly by showcasing him against these top talents, introducing him to the crowd to see what he can do in the ring – which is everything.

He came soooo close numerous times to beating Stephen Wolf but the 18-year-old Welshman just couldn’t pick up his first win in RevPro. A 61Line into Vertigo saw Wolf win Cage to win an incredible match en route to Epic Encounters.

Stephen Wolf will face Robbie X and Will Kaven at RevPro Epic Encounters

Sunshine Machine vs Jay Joshua and Connor Mills

Nearly three months after dropping the Undisputed British Tag Team Championships to Jay Joshua and Connor Mills, Sunshine Machine look to get back into title contention against the champions at RevPro Live in London 93.

It started out quickly, but the champions quickly double teamed TK Cooper, cutting him off from his partner. This included spitting his gumshield at Chuck Mambo in a quite disgusting display of antagonism.

This bout was similar to their clash at Uprising but with fewer botches, which was a plus. Mambo had some great innovative offence which I’d love to see more of, although if TK Cooper is deported that could be an issue.

I like both teams, but I did struggle to hold my concentration in this match. The result was obvious and the action was good, but not great. I think it’s too soon for these pairs to have their rematch and I’d prefer more of a build-up before seeing them face off again.

After Wolf vs Cage, this went on too long. Too many near-falls and false-finishes. They did have me thinking Sunshine Machine were winning, but the match should have ended on numerous different occasions.

After too many close calls, Jay Joshua pinned TK Cooper for the win. While this was a fantastic match for the live crowd who clearly loved it, for me watching at home it was not what I needed right now.

The champions called out the Young Guns after the match and they brawled. The challengers posed with the belts, hinting at the future for the Undisputed British Tag Team Championships.

The Young Guns will challenge Jay Joshua and Connor Mills for the Undisputed British Tag Team Championships at Epic Encounter.

Thomas Shire vs Michael Oku

1 Called Manders called in “Tombstone” Thomas Shire to soften up Michael Oku in the main event of RevPro Live in London 93.

The American star was trained by Dory Funk Jr. and couldn’t have made his RevPro debut in a bigger match than against the reigning Undisputed British Heavyweight Champion.

Shire was a big boy but his physique didn’t really inspire much. He wasn’t as big and menacing as Manders but wasn’t as in shape as Oku. He was more like a David Francisco-type, which shouldn’t inspire fear in anybody.

However, he did dominate the champion for the bulk of the match. Shire used his size to his advantage and ground Michael Oku for as long as he could, knowing that if he got in the air then the match would change for the worse…for him, at least.

Michael Oku fought from underneath, giving a preview of what the match with Manders will be like. He reversed an Alpmare Waterslide into a Canadian Destroyer and pinned Shire to pick up a hard-fought victory.

After the victory, 1 Called Manders attacked Michael Oku and he and Shire double teamed him and posed with the championship.

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