Rev Pro Live In Southampton 33 Results, Winners & Star Ratings


Hamish Woodward

RevPro Live in Southampton 33 from The 1965 venue is the latest show from RevPro as they continue on the road to Uprising 2024 at the York Hall later this month.

The event features some key matches, including Leon Cage looking to get his first RevPro win in a match against Ethan Allen. Other matches involve stars like Michael Oku, Leon Slater, James Ellis and the Cut Throat Collective in eight huge matches.

In this article, we’ll go through the results of every match at Live In Southampton 33, including all the winners and the star ratings from the match (including Dave Meltzer’s, if graded) while looking at how the show builds to RevPro Uprising 2024.

To check out the full card for RevPro Uprising 2024 and see our predictions for the show, click this link.

Will Kaven vs Nino Bryant

Francesca welcomed everyone to The 1865 before announcing the first match of the night. The show kicked off with Undisputed British Cruiserweight Champion Will Kaven taking on the young talent Nino Bryant.

This wasn’t a title match but gave Bryant a chance to prove himself as a singles star, following The Flying Bryant‘s defeat to Kaven, Keiron Lacey and Mark Trew last week in London.

Both men came out of the blocks fast with Bryant using his high-flying skills to get on top of Kaven. His speed was too much for the Cruiserweight Champion to deal with at first, but his size advantage and his cunning helped him down Bryan with a series of neckbreakers and suplex.

Kaven dominated Bryant his some huge strikes as the crowd drowned his trash-talking out with boos. The high-flyer managed to pounce on some of the champions’ mistakes and thought he’d won the match, if not for Kaven’s foot underneath the ropes.

After failing to put him away with a Tombstone Piledriver, Will Kaven hit Nino Bryant with the TBI and pinned him to win the match.

Winner: Will Taven via pinfall

Star Rating: 2.5 Stars

Greedy Souls vs Harry and Sha

Following last week’s brutal attack on RevPro editor Harry Milligan, Greedy Souls were challenged in the ring Milligan and new WOS Heavyweight Champion Sha Samuels in tag team action.

While the fans cheered for the Portuguese David Franscico, Harry Milligan was Sha Samuels’ tag team partner. Samuels dominated Brendan White and even forced Milligan into the ring, tagging him unconventionally and throwing him into his opponent for the near fall.

Milligan’s cowardice proved to be the team’s undoing. The Greedy Souls began to dominate Sha Samuels as the numbers game proved fruitful (not to mention their proclivity to flaunt the rules when it suited them).

After a prolonged beatdown, Sha Samuels had no choice but to tag in Harry Milligan. He hit a flurry of impressive moves on the Greedy Souls before trading tags with Samuels, who launched him like a rocket into the pair for a near fall.

He came close to a victory after a top-rope Canadian destroyer and the duo of Harry and Sha looked very effective. Sadly, the Greedy Souls proved too much for the youngster and Harry Milligan was pinned after a neckbreaker/backbreaker combination.

Winner: Greedy Souls via Pinfall

Star Rating: 3 Stars

Cut Throat Collective vs Chantal Jordan and Ronnie Knocks

Two of the five members of the Cut Throat Collective were up next as Saffire Reed and Alex Windsor battled Chantal Jordan and Ronnie Knocks in the first women’s match of the evening.

It was fast-paced from the get-go, with Ronnie Knox impressing as she flew around the ring. However, she quickly became overwhelmed by the CTC’s cheating at ringside and the heels began to dominate the proceedings.

After a prolonged attack, Knocks tagged in Chantelle Jordan and the faces got back on top. Ronnie Knocks almost knocked Alex Windsor out with a sleeper hold before Saffire Reed broke up the submission.

The CTC dominated until the end when Alex Windsor forced Ronnie Knocks to tap out to the Sharpshooter.

Winners: Cut Throat Collective via submission

Star Rating: 2.5 Stars

Ethan Allen vs Leon Cage

Before the interval was arguably the most anticipated match on the card. 17-year-old Leon Cage battled another RevPro prospect in Ethan Allen as the commentators decried how young he was.

The 2007-born star had a fantastic performance against Michael Oku last week but had a much different style of match at RevPro Live in Southampton 33.

Unlike when he was against Oku, Leon Cage was grounded by Ethan Allen. The technical whizz did his best to tangle the Welshman up in wrestling holds and used big strikes to try and stop him from using his incredible aerial ability.

It was a sound strategy and it worked for a time. Irish whips were turned into big clubbing forearms before Cage could build up any momentum. It was a fast-paced assault, but not one that suited Cage’s skillset.

The crowd were firmly behind the 17-year-old from Neath as he found an opening, hitting a pair of suicide dives on Ethan Allen. Some brutal kicks to cave in Allen’s ribs followed as the duo traded roll-ups in the centre of the ring.

Cage thought he won the match when he countered an Allen Slam into a Canadian Destroyer. Allen then countered the Stomp to the Future with a Lariat and almost won with a series of moves and submission attempts. However, Cage kept kicking out.

The match went slightly too long for my liking and maybe should have ended before their “back and forth” punching sequence. However, we did get to see a mental deadlift double underhook DDT from Allen, who looked like an absolute menace in the bout.

He managed to kick out of a 450 splash before catching Leon Cage in mid-air for a sleeper hold. Ethan Allen then locked Leon Cage in a Cattle Mutilation-esque submission and kicked him in the back until the 17-year-old submitted.

Both men put on amazing performances. Ethan Allen should be in the main event and soon while Leon Cage gets better every single match. The fact he is only 17 is scary.

Winner: Ethan Allen via Submission

Star Rating: 4 Stars

Nina Samuels vs Anita Vaughn

Another member of the Cut Throat Collective was in action after the interval. Nina Samuels represented her faction as she faced off against Irish star Anita Vaughn.

Vaughn was not in good form leading up to this match. She remained winless in RevPro leading up to Live in Southampton 33 and was coming off a loss to CTC’s Saffire Reed last week in London.

This was a pure wrestling match at the beginning. Some excellent chain wrestling started the match with Vaughn getting the better of Samuels, although both women were impressive.

Nina Samuels trash-talked the crowd as she got on top of the match and began to attempt pinfalls on her opponent as the crowd chanted about her “tiny hat”.

She slowed down the pace of the match but Anita Vaughn managed to get some breathing room by reversing a suplex. Unfortunately, it was short-lived and Samuels got some nasty offence in the corner on the Irishwoman.

Vaughn managed to withhold the barrage and hit multiple suplexes for a near fall on her opponent. She then managed to roll up Nina Samuels to win the match and get her first victory in RevPro in a huge moment for Anita Vaughn.

After the match, the Cut Throat Collective attacked Anita Vaughn. Chantal Jordan and Ronnie Knocks came out to help the Irish star but Mercedes Blaze appeared to give the CTC the numbers game.

Alex Windsor then cut a promo about how great the CTC are and insulted Mina Shirakawa for never turning up, despite being the Undisputed Women’s Champion. They then revealed that a sixth member of the Cut Throat Collective would be revealed next week in Sheffield.

Winner: Anita Vaughn via Pin Fall

Star Ratings: 2 Stars

Connor Mills and Jay Joshua vs The Flying Bryant Brothers

The other two Flying Bryant Brothers were in action next as they took on Connor Mills and Jay Joshua at RevPro Live in Southampton 33.

Zander Bryant and Jay Joshua started the match. The difference in size and strength was apparent. While Joshua threw him around the ring like he was nothing, his complacent saw Zander hitting him with a Dragonrana early on in the bout.

Watching the Bryant brothers is like watching a circus act the way they flew around the ring with their flips and twists. They wouldn’t be out of place in Mexico with their style of wrestling.

Everything Mills and Joshua did got counted by their smaller opponents. Sadly, the fans didn’t seem too into this match outside of a few spots compared to the previous match.

Mills did eventually get one over on them, hitting a Cesaro Swing on one of the brothers into the chairs at ringside. They dominated Leland for a while until he got the hot tag on Xander who faced off with Jay Joshua again.

Xander Bryant managed an impressive powerbomb on Joshua which only managed a two count. Leland also leapt off Joshua’s back to hit a sunset flip powerbomb on Connor Mills in a brilliant spot.

Mills and Joshua won the match after hitting the double Burning Cutter on Leland Bryant at the end of a decent match. They seem likely to be heading towards a shot at the Undisputed British Tag Team titles, currently held by Sunshine Machine.

Winner: Mills and Joshua via Pin Fall

Star Rating: 3 Star

James Ellis vs Shane Hooker

The penultimate match features one of our “ones to watch in 2025” in James Ellis.

The Swansea-born “The Brilliance” has made a name for himself in the wrestling business over the last few years as the loud-mouthed cowardly heel and is a regular part of the Welsh wrestling scene.

He wrestled his second match in RevPro and had a tough time against Shane Hooker, one half of Rising Tide – the tag team also including Leon Cage. This was his RevPro singles debut so the winner of this bout could have easily been either man.

James Ellis started the match by shit-talking Shane Hooker, offering him a handshake and attacking him with a cheap shot. Hooker saw through the shenanigans and hit some impressive arm drags on the Welshman.

It was a good back-and-forth match which showcased both men. The crowd took an instant dislike to Ellis, chanting “Anyone but Ellis” all throughout the match.

The match was a good showcase for both men. Hooker did the most impressive moves but Ellis handed out some big powerbomb and suplexes of his own. The end of the match was a sprint to the finish which ended in Ellis hitting an elevated neckbreaker to pin Hooker.

Winner: James Ellis via Pin Fall.

Star Rating: 3 Stars

Cameron Khai, David Francisco, Leon Slater and Tylor James vs Joe Lando, Danny Black, Michael Oku and Zozaya

The main event of RevPro Live In Southampton 33 was a unique match type. The “Revolution Tag” was announced as being a four-on-four tag team match with elimination rules and no disqualifications.

You can also eliminate people by throwing them over the top rope but that was forgotten about until late in the match.

The crowd went absolutely insane for David Francisco before the match began. It took a while for any action to occur, which did take away from my enjoyment of the match. There was a lot of waiting around as they got ready to wrestle.

Zozaya and Leon Slater opened the match, 13 days before their 60-minute Iron Man match at RevPro Uprising 2024. However. David Franscivo quickly tagged himself in much to the delight of the crowd.

Despite this being a No DQ match, both teams still respected the tag team rules, at least to start with. This match was a bit of a mess and the rules seemed rather unclear once the match started.

It was the kind of match that was probably really fun to see live in person but not so great watching at home on RevPro On Demand. There were some fun moments but it dragged on too long even as it got to the middle of the match.

Order of Elimination;

  • Taylor James was eliminated by Danny Black
  • Danny Black was eliminated by Cameron Khai
  • Joe Lando was eliminated David Francisco
  • Cameron Khai was eliminated by Zozaya
  • Michael Oku was eliminated by David Francisco
  • Leon Slater & Zozaya were eliminated by David Francisco

Ethan Allen helped David Fransico eliminate Michael Oku, which could lead to Michael Oku vs Ethan Allen at a future RevPro event.

Find out all the matches on the RevPro Uprising 2024 Card by clicking here

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